Ali Salman Abudari The University of Jordan
Mohammad Fayez Al dababseh
Osama abd Al Fattah


The purpose of the study is to provide standard levels of physical fitness tests for students applying for study seats at the University of Jordan on the list of sports excellence for the period between (2017-2020). The descriptive approach was employed by the researchers on a sample of (283) male and (169) female students to fulfill the study's goal. The study included the following tests: a 1600m running test to assess respiratory cyclic endurance, a long jump test from stability to assess explosive force of the leg muscles, a running rebound test (4x10m) to assess agility, and a medical ball throw test with a weight of (5) kg for male students and (3) kg for female students to assess strength. The explosiveness of the arm muscles. Arithmetic means, standard deviations, lowest and highest values, skewness and kurtosis coefficients, and standard degrees were employed to process the study sample data. The study's findings revealed the most recent standard levels of the tests employed in the study, allowing them to keep up with societal trends. It is well recognized that there is a requirement to make some changes to the test standards every three years. These parameters, according to the researchers, should be employed in physical fitness assessments that qualify students for skill testing at the University of Jordan.


standard levels, physical fitness, tests, athletic excellence, the University of Jordan

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