Neuroscience Study in Science Development Elementary School

Rizky Amelia, E. Kus Eddy Sartono, Chairil Faif Pasani


This study aimed to examine the thoughts of figures in various reference sources to find complete neuroscience study concepts in science development in elementary schools. The method used was a systematic literature review by exploring various scientific papers related to this topic. Source selection is based on several criteria, namely: 1) the literature must be directly related to neuroscience and primary schools; (2) search related literature derived from the results of research reports, national journals, international journals, relevant books, scientific articles, and scientific data related to the study of this article; (3) limitation of the publication year of literature in the last ten years (2011-2020). The results showed that the nervous system structure underlies human actions, both aspects of cognition, affection, and psychomotor. Also, neuroscience studies implementation in elementary schools involves neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, educational theory, and learning practices. Meanwhile, the learning concept from a neuroscience perspective empowers the brain's abilities by creating an environment that is challenging, fun, meaningful, and promotes students to be active. Therefore, educational neuroscience is an important future model for elementary school teachers to know.



Keywords: neuroscience, education, elementary school.



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