The Influence of School-Based Management Implementation on the Improvement of Education Quality in Primary Schools

Iswan, Agus Suradika, Andry Priharta, Herwina Bahar, Efa Miyati


This research was conducted at State Primary School Pondok Betung 05, South Tangerang City, Indonesia. This school is located in a strategic area, which is easily accessed via Jalan Raya Pondok Betung No 2, South Tangerang City. The location is close to the Office of Sub-District Pondok Betung and the Public Health Centre of Pondok Betung. This research applied a quantitative descriptive approach. The statistical tests carried out for the data analysis gained the correlation coefficient of rXY = 0.434, with two variables, X and Y, being correlated. The total number of respondents was 85, thus, df = 87 – 2 = 85. From the df of 85, the rtable on the significance level of 5% = 0.250 and on the significance level of 1% = 0.278. The hypothesis stated that (Ha) would be rejected if tcal > ttable, namely 0.434 > 0.250, while (Ho) would be rejected if ttable < tcal,namely 0.278 < 0.434. From this comparison, (Ha) was accepted because rcal>rtable at the significance level of 5%. Conversely, on the level of 1% (Ho) was rejected, because ttable<tcal. As such, this research reveals that the implementation of school-based management has influenced the quality of education of State Primary School Pondok Betung 05, South Tangerang City, Indonesia.



Keywords: School-Based Management, quality improvement, primary school.



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