Implementation of the New Student Admission Policy Based on Zoning Systems in Indonesia

Zakariya *


In 2018, the Minister of Education released Education Regulation (Permendikbud) No. 14 of the year 2018. The purpose of this regulation is that schools must accept new students who live within a certain radius of the school. The implementation of the new student admission policy at the elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels in Surabaya has led to protests and even demonstrations of the rejection of new student admissions based on zoning that is considered discriminatory, unfair, and does not pay attention to the academic achievements of prospective new students. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze why the implementation of the registration of the new student admission (PPDB) policy was rejected in Surabaya, and to analyze any efforts that can be made to implement the PPDB policy effectively. The analytical method used is qualitative by using a focus group discussion (FGD) approach with three main groups: parents, teachers, and officers of Surabaya City Education (Dispendik Surabaya). The results indicate that the implementation of the zoning-based PPDB policy was rejected because each school did not yet have quality teachers and infrastructure, and thus lacked opportunities for students with high academic achievements. Also, not all schools had a good culture and environment, which is called culture lag. In order for the student admission policy based on zoning to be implemented effectively, the central government must work together with the local government to improve the quality of each school. School quality includes the provision of hardware and software. Provision of hardware includes learning space facilities, learning facilities, and teacher competencies. Provision of software includes internet access, online learning modules, and school culture systems. Dispendik Surabaya must also increase the intensity of communication to the public, achieve adequate, socialization and improve coordination between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the local governments.


Keywords: student admission policies, preparing infrastructure, communication, socialization.

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