Dr. Prasanna S Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India,
Dr. V. Mariappan Professor, Department of Banking Technology, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India.
Dr. H. Moidheen Batcha Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India.
Dr. S. Srimathi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Alpha Arts and Science College, Chennai, India.


In a digital economy, cybercrime has become a serious threat which continues to distress businesses; it is banks and its customer who has been repeatedly targeted by the perpetrator for the financial gain. Availability of information, ease of accessibility and better website design will help an individual to gain awareness with little efforts thus preventing them from the victimization of bank related cybercrime. Hence Information published in the bank's websites in relation to bank related frauds along with anti-cybercrime measures and procedure to be adopted for safe use of e- products is analyzed for the availability and ease of accessibility. Besides the security measures implemented by the bank also plays a crucial role in providing a safe online environment. Thus this study try to examine the role of bank’s websites in creating awareness through analysis of its website for information availability, design and ease of accessibility and its efforts in promoting safe online transaction through the security measures implemented by the bank for safe online banking. A collective score is calculated for each individual bank in terms of availability, accessibility, designs and security measures adopted and the independent sample t-test is applied on the collective score to find out for existence of significant difference between public and private sector bank.


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