Parsiev S. S.1, Vinogradov A. S.2 , Glukhov E. V.3
1Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the University of Security of the Repubic of Uzbekistan.
2Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD.), Senior Lecturer at the University of Security of the Repubic of Uzbekistan.
3Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD.), Senior Lecturer at the University of Security of the Repubic of Uzbekistan.
EMAIL: s.parsiyev@gmail.com


:The purpose of this study is to increase the efficiency of designing infocommunication networks through the use of the method of penalty functions with restrictions on the probabilistic-temporal characteristics of information flows. The method of penalty functions is a powerful computational tool of the theory of optimization and is convenient because the structure of constraints, their nonlinearity or linearity, smoothness or non-smoothness, do not play a fundamental role in solving the design problem. In addition, the method of penalty functions is easy to calculate, it is possible to take into account many structural parameters. An important task of effective design of infocommunication networks is to find the optimal structure, according to the criterion of network-wide costs, taking into account the limitations on the quality of transmitted many product flows of information.The results showed that in the area of small sizes of the territory of 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 km networks, the above costs change little, which is explained by the fact that in a limited area the bulk of the costs are the cost of nodes, the number of which does not depend on the size of the territory, but is determined only by the capacity of the network. It has been determined that at network levels R=2,3,4,5 the most optimal, regardless of topology, are networks with layers 2 and 3 compared to networks with layers 4 and 5. It was revealed that the radial structure was 5 (five) times more economical than the fully connected structure, 3 (three) times compared to the ring structure and 2 (two) times more economical than the lattice structure. The proposed method allows you to take into account all the technical parameters of the network, as well as the integration of information resources located in different geographical locations and does not require that the starting point belongs to an acceptable area. Based on the above method of designing infocommunication networks, a computer program in the Rython language was developed, and a certificate was obtained from the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


:infocommunication network, network design, penalty function, network-wide reduced costs, optimal structure

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