Vevi Sunarti*, Jamaris, Solfema, Mega Iswari, Abna Hidayati
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia, *Email:


: The development of training models needs to be developed at this time, to improve the Technological Andragogical and Content Knowledge (TACK) skills of equality education tutors. This research aims to analyze the tutor's knowledge of TACK skills and see how much equivalence education tutors need to improve their TACK skills. The development method used in this research is the Research and Development (R & D) method with the Critical Event Model (CEM) model. The test results can be concluded that 1) the CK test are still low; 2) AK test results are still low; 3) TK test results are still low; 4) ACK test results are still low; 5) TCK test results are still low; 6) TAK test results are still low; 7) TACK test results are still low; and 8) 87% of equality education tutors require training to improve TACK skills.


:Needs Analyst, Technological, Andragogical, Content, Knowledge and Training.

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