Tatang Suheri1, Mohammad Benny Alexandri2, Sami’un J Raharja1, Margo Purnomo3
1Doctoral Program of Administrative Sciences, Padjadjaran University – Indonesia
2Study Program of Business Administration sciences, Padjadjaran University
3Study Program ofLogistics Business, Padjadjaran University


:Based on an agglomeration cycle theory, economic activities in one’s zone will decrease their performance because of in any cases such as discontinuation of the supply chain. It needs a strategy on how to maintain the durability of the performance. This paper focuses on industrial estate management companies in maintaining their existence to serve business actors in the estate. The paper in the literature review will explore the business model applied by the industrial estate manager starting from 1) value networks mapping; 2) Henry Chesbrough model; and 3) canvas business. All the models may be applied to technological developments, market competition, and the needs of prospective tenants.


:Business expansion, industrial estate, special economic zone, business model

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