Edy Suprayetno*, Atmazaki, Syahrul R, Agustina, Darmansyah
Doctor Program of Education Science, Postgraduate – Universitas Negeri Padang *


: One of the prose fiction lessons that often gets attention is studying short stories. Expressions of written language as delivery in giving birth to work, while the process of studying must also be owned by students. Therefore, it is necessary to have a model that is used in learning prose fiction and approaches, to improve student learning outcomes in studying prose fiction. The learning model offered in this study is individual as an actor with an expressive approach. This research method uses research and development methods that aim to produce a product that can improve learning outcomes, especially in learning to study fiction prose. The instrument used consisted of a questionnaire, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique conducted by the researcher combines quantitative and qualitative analysis by referring to quantitative analysis on the analysis of the results of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed model, while qualitative analysis uses the content of the short story "the gossiper" by Yulhasni (2015) with an expressive approach. The findings in this study obtained that the individual as actor model in studying learning in fiction prose learning is very valid, practical, and effective to improve student learning outcomes in studying short stories with an expressive approach to the experience or reality of the author in the short story "the gossiper" namely 1) gossiping is a disgraceful act that exaggerates the situation or fabricates a story; and 2) people who like to gossip will be shunned by friends.


:Model As Actor, Short Story, Expressive Approach

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