Abdullaev Altinbek Yangibayevich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Banking, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. 9 Amir Temur St, Samarkand 140100, Uzbekistan. oltinbek60@gmail.com


: In recent years, with the development of the economy of New Uzbekistan, it has been actively promoting structural economic reforms and the transformation of the functioning of the bank to improve the standard of living and well-being of people. It is necessary to study methods to improve the structure of the reliability assessment rating based on increasing the level of financial stability of the bank. The purpose of the paper is to develop theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for the development of methods to ensure the reliability of the bank. When developing a solution to this problem, methods and techniques of probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as econometric modeling, are used. The article examines the probability of an event, which is that the bank for a certain period of time will be reliable in order to function, taking into account the influence of random factors, i.e. regularly and timely perform all functions, as well as by simulating the parameters of the equations, it becomes possible to control and predict the stability of the bank in the future. This study attempts to create a scorecard for evaluating a bank's safety assurance rating. Based on an empirical study, proposals are put forward from the point of view of the existing form of banking services and the application of information technologies in order to determine the rating of ensuring the reliability of the bank of Uzbekistan and optimize the structure of banking services.


:Reliability rating assessment, The Article history: problem of stability, Methods and techniques Received: of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

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