Oltaev Sh.S.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. Uzbekistan. Samarkand.


: This article presents the theoretical foundations of labor resources management in the labor market are considered, the methodological foundations of promoting labor productivity are studied, and the article focuses on the state of effective use of labor resources in the Samarkand region, the indicators that reflect it, the composition of labor resources, the process of increasing the competitiveness of unemployed youth in the region, and ensuring the employment of the population. execution of regional programs.


:Labor Resources, Unemployment, Unemployment Rate, Population Employment, Employment Rate, Regional Attractiveness, New Jobs, Sustainable Development, Income, Export Potential, Population Structure, Migration, Emigration, Immigration, Labor Market, Labor Resources Management, Labor Productivity , Organization Of Work, Motivation Of Employees.

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