Adilova Soliyakhan
PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Languages of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. Uzbekistan. Samarkand.


: The article presents the concept of "technology" is one of the most popular in the modern science of education. Despite this, there are different points of view on the very possibility of using the term "technology" in relation to the educational process, since "technology involves a set of methods for processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, shape of a material ... carried out in the production process" (SES 1321), which contradicts the principle of individualization of the educational process. Another problem is the lack of a single standardized approach to defining the essence of the concept of "pedagogical technology", "teaching technology".


:Pedagogical Technology, Teaching Technology, Educational Process, Didactic System, Group Of Students, Learning, Information Storage, Communication, Teaching Aids, Optimization Of Forms Of Education, "System Method", Facilitator, Registrar, Speaker, Journalist, Active Listener, Observer , Timekeeper.

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