Mamatkulova Sh.J.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. Uzbekistan. Samarkand. E-mail:


: This article provides suggestions and recommendations that will allow a company to use its resources and efforts to increase sales and gain a competitive advantage by applying a marketing strategy. Marketing strategy works most effectively when it is part of a corporate strategy that describes how a company will find and engage with customers, opportunities, and competitors in a specific market segment. Simply put, marketing strategy is about understanding your customers and their wants. It is the ability to fulfill all the wishes of the customer better and faster than competitors, which is the key to successful sales and long-term relationships with customers. However, customer requirements and the market itself are constantly changing. Your marketing strategy must always adapt to these changes. Development of a marketing strategy includes the development of a strategy for determining and positioning target market segments, strategies for maintaining relationships with consumers, and development of strategies for planning sales of new products. In the scientific article, special attention is paid to these issues, and recommendations on the necessary directions have been developed.


:Marketing Strategy, Swot Analysis, Intensive Growth, Diversified Growth, Concentric Diversification, Horizontal Diversification, Conglomerate Diversification, Specialist Strategies, Leader, Leader, Follower, Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, Connected, Product, Market, Grid, Combination, Matrices.

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