Sultanov Shodiyor Abduhalilovich
Associate Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. (Republic of Uzbekistan).


: The growth of small businesses and private entrepreneurial activities in the further liberalization of the economy in our republic, as a result of ensuring the stability of the national budget, and the production of gross domestic product (GDP) are current issues that are taken into consideration in this article. A special focus was placed on evaluating the foundations of the accomplishments, including New Uzbekistan, a new worldview, better property laws, significant economic structural reforms, and a boost in the proportion of small businesses and private enterprise in the GDP. Additionally, it is decided that the effectiveness of small businesses and private entrepreneurship in the service sector would be assessed using indicators. As a result, it has been demonstrated how to measure the economic effectiveness of private business organizations and small businesses functioning in this sector across all social, economic, and other spheres. For the steady growth of small businesses and private entrepreneurship, which is fast emerging as one of the key sectors of the nation's economy, suggestions and recommendations were made.


:small business, private entrepreneurship, service, capital, entrepreneurship, activity, income, production, social efficiency, development.

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