Dr. Nasimkhon Rahmonov Doctor of Philology, Professor of the National University (Uzbekistan)
Dr. Boqijon Tukhliev Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Tashkent State Oriental University (Uzbekistan)
Dr. Magripa Yeskeyeva Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Eurasian University (Kazakhstan)
Dr. Olimjon Dadaboev Associate professor of Namangan State University (Uzbekistan)
Dr. Botir Jafarov Associate professor of Namangan State University (Uzbekistan)


: The article discusses the important aspects of the book Altin Yaruk (Golden Light), which was translated from the Chinese into the ancient Turkic language in the late IX and early X centuries. It presents the attempt of genre identification of “Altin Yaruk” and its relationship with “Avesto”. It also discusses the contribution of the “Altin Yaruk” to the improvement of the spiritual environment in Central Asia, the founding of the state, the enrichment of social life, and the strengthening of political stability.


: Ancient Turkic manuscript, Altin Yaruk, Central Asian mythology, Huastuanift, Qutadgu Bilig, sudur, nums, Buddhism, Kanishka, Kushan.

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