Sri Handayani1 2*, Rizanda Machmud3, Satya Wydya Yenny4,Yantri Maputra5
1Doctor Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medical - Andalas University, Indonesia
2Lecturer of Public Health, STIKES Syedza Saintika Padang
3Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Medical - Andalas University, Indonesia
4Lecturer of Medical Education, Faculty of Medical - Andalas University, Indonesia
5Lecturer of Psychology, Faculty of Medical - Andalas University, Indonesia


: Peer educators have low ability to reach risk groups. Based on the PKBI report in 2020 the achievement of peer educators in reaching risk groups was only 47.6% of the set target. While Akbar's achievement was only 76% of the target in January to July 2020.The aim of the studyto formulate a model for improving the competence of peer educators in reaching risk groups and the effectiveness of the model in reaching risk groups is known. This study uses a qualitative method. Results of this research model are explanatory or explain a general picture (generalization). Data were collected primary. Statistical analysis was performed using triangulation. The results of the indept interview on the knowledge dimension obtained information on the PE needs for HIV/AIDS, STI, VCT and interpersonal communication using the lecture method, FGD and case studies, on the attitude dimension information on the PE need for self-concept with the case study method and on the dimensions interpersonal communication obtained information on PE needs for interpersonal communication material with the roleplay method.This model is effective in increasing the competence of the HIV/AIDS peer educator. There were significant differences between the intervention and control groups.


: Dimensions of Knowledge, Dimensions of Attitudes, Dimensions of Intrepersonal Communication, Reaching Risk Groups.

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