Astanova Gulnora Aminovna BukhSU, Associate Professor of Department of Uzbek Linguistics and Journalism, Doctor of Philological Science, e-mail: guli4803@ mail.ru


: In the world of literary, the study of medieval Oriental culture and literary heritage on the issue of interaction with the culture and literature of the peoples of the world is becoming more relevant than ever. In particular, the study of the influence of the work "A Thousand and One Nights", a rare example of Oriental literature, on the development of culture and literature of the peoples of the world, continues to remain in the constant focus of attention of Orientalists and literary critics. This makes it necessary to study the effective influence of this work on Uzbek literature from the point of view of its artistic synthesis in Uzbek literature. This article is devoted to the study of the same issues, and it is argued that many of the plots of the work influenced Uzbek folk oral art, Uzbek classical literature and the work of thinkers.


: "A Thousand and One Nights", Schaherazade, Uzbek, classical, fairy tale, concubine, image, art.

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