Nazirjon Aripov [0000-0002-6209-5063]
Zafar Mirzarakhmedov [0000-0002-0102-1829]
Bobomurod Rahmonov [0000-0002-3666-6600]
Qamara Kosimova [0000-0002-9694-1280] Tashkent State Transport University, 1 Temiryulchilar Str., Tashkent 100069, Uzbekistan


: The article presents proposals for the development of microprocessor transmitters to replace TSH-65 and TSH-2000, which is designed to transmit codes generated by the KPTSH transmitter to road traffic lights and locomotive traffic lights in rail circuits equipped with a four-digit microprocessor auto-lock and the CLUB system in the joint-stock company "Uzbekiston Temir Yollari". Nowadays, microprocessor and microelectronic systems and devices are widely used in railway automation and remote control systems. The use of systems and devices for railway automation and remote control, developed on the basis of microelectronics and microprocessor elements, ensures reliable operation in comparison with systems based on electromagnetic relays. A functional diagram of a new developed integrated microprocessor code transmitter for transmitting codes generated in railway automation and telemechanics systems has been developed. Dimmed microelectronic code of the transmitting device, work as relays TSH-65 and TSH-2000, and they are modeled in the Proteus program.


::code transmitter, microelectronic device, software, relay, contact, unit, microprocessor.

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