Safaa Hussein Ali Mustansiriyah University, College of Science, Department of Computer Science, Baghdad, Iraq. email:
Dr. Jamila Harbi Saud Mustansiriyah University, College of Science, Department of Computer Science, Baghdad, Iraq. email:


The Retinex theory was developed to describe the human color vision, and its derivations have resulted in practical image contrast enhancement algorithms. In this paper, strategies based on the multiscale Retinex algorithm and color constancy are presented to improve underwater images, due to medium scattering and absorption, these images have deteriorated. Preprocessing, adaptative Multi-Scale Retinex, and color constancy approach are the three critical phases of the proposed method. Consequently, consequence, the multiscale Retinex method with updated color constancy methodology is efficient and computationally cheap, delivering accurate color fidelity of roughly 28.38 dB for low-quality images. In addition, the proposed method preserves the naturalness of scenes.



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