Ali Yousif Mohawish Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. aliyousif198230@gmail.com
Rasheed Ali Fayadh Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. dr.rashedAli@mtu.edu.iq
Abbas Fadhal Humadi Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. drabbas1962@gmail.com


Fall is regarded as one of the most prevalent and noticeable disorders among the elderly, with a significant influence on their life. The number of technology designed to detect falls has grown considerably in recent years. The proposed article will examine falls in the elderly using a body area sensor network in the hip position. Real-time data and analysis for detecting specific everyday activities as well as certain situations of falls. A wearable light gadget is powered by a battery and uses less energy. Our recommended invention includes a accelerometer sensor MPU 6050 in addition to a processor and a means of transferring data back and forward. Accelerations of aging body motions are provided by the sensor. The microcontroller then monitors the body's position and three-axis accelerations to determine if the body is falling. Also employed in the Vital Signs Monitoring System were TEMP, SPO2 and HR sensors, as well as GPS for location, GSM for data transfer, and a microcontroller for processing. Ten participants aged 35 to 55 years old participated in two ACC categorization trials. A total of 200 samples were collected for each posture in each of the two categories of activity in all of the studies (normal activities and falls). The fall detection system obtained 97.75 % accuracy, 98% sensitivity, and 97.5% specificity in detecting the patient's fall, according to the trial data. In addition, fall alerts were delivered, and the patient's position was detected with good precision in all situations. The vital sign values for the project were equivalent to or near to the benchmark.


: Vital Signs Monitoring System, fall detection, GPS module ,GSM module, accelerometer sensor MPU 6050

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