Yusupov Konisbay Abilovich Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Karakalpak State University, Respublika Karakalpakstan


One of the most important issues is the teaching students Karakalpak novels. The Karakalpak novel developed ideally, thematically, genrefully and artistically. One of them is a novel by S. Ismailov "Galaxy of the Heart", possessing artistic power and aesthetic qualities, attributing to the plot-compositional development. There are several characteristic artistic images in the novel. These are author's descriptions or author's information, dialogues and monologues, landscapes and landscape painting, portraits of heroes, movements, letters, written by characters in the novel, notes and visions, which are reflected in the process of psychic reflection. Methods of artistic representation are modified by the writer, they are combined and synthesized with each other when necessary, and have a scientific-theoretical and practical significance. The writer makes good use of dialogues, short and inverted forms of internal monologues, internal monologues of heroes and author's and personalized internal forms of monologues, types of merging of characters and author's monologues, synthesis of movements and characters. All this was fully disclosed during the analysis.


:the process of the lesson, teaching methods, science fiction, novel, mental hallucinations, movement, portrait, plot, objective plot, subjective plot, novel, dialogue, monologue, creativity.

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