Salah Sabah Abed, Mohammad N. Fadhil
Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq Cs.19.52@grad.uotechnology.edu.iq, Mohammad.n.fadhil@uotechnolohy.edu.iq


Since the previous three decades, the field of computer networks has progressed significantly, from traditional static networks to dynamically designed architecture. The basic purpose of software defined networking (SDN) is to create a network that is open and programmable. Traditional network devices, such as routers and switches, may make routing decisions and forward packets; however, SDN divides these components into two planes, the control plane and the data plane, by splitting distinct components away. As a result, switches can only forward packets and cannot make routing decisions; routing decisions are made by the controller. OpenFlow is the communication interface between the switches and the controller. It's a protocol that allows the controller to identify the network packet's route across the switches. This project uses the SDN environment to implement the cuckoo search algorithm to determine the network’s shortest path between two nodes. The cuckoo search algorithm was implemented using Ryu control.


:Mininet, Cuckoo Search, Multipath, Software defined networking

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