Ismailov Saidimurod Ibragimovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Surgery named after Academician V. Vakhidov”;
Orazaliev Gafur Bazarbayevich Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgery of the Multidisciplinary Hospital of the Beruni District of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Bazarbayeva Kamilla Gafurovna Tashkent Medical Academy Faculty of Medicine, 6th year student


The most common causes of acute adhesive ileus (AIO) include adhesions, neoplasms, and hernias. Adhesions are the predominant cause of intestinal obstruction. A total of 17,952 patients with various benign urgent surgical pathologies of the abdominal organs were included in the study. Of these, for the period from 2015 to 2019, cases of adhesive intestinal obstruction were analyzed (80 patients). All patients were taken to the hospital for emergency indications by gravity or by ambulance. Among them there were 33 (41.25%) women and 47 (58.75%) men, the average age was 53.8±2.7. In a conservative manner, it was possible to eliminate intestinal obstruction in 61% of patients. While surgical intervention was resorted to in 31% of cases. When comparing all cases of development of ASIO, there was no significant difference between the laparoscopy group and traditional interventions (χ2=3.178; (df=1); p=0.075). In turn, when assessing the level of significance of the obtained relative values (Student's t-test), a minimal difference was revealed with a significance level of p<0.05 (t=2.08), which indicates a potentially lower risk of developing postoperative ASIO after laparoscopic interventions.


:acute adhesive intestinal obstruction, risk of adhesive obstruction, viscerolysis, abdominal trauma, laparoscopic intervention

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