Zebo Ibodilloevna Ruzieva Tashkent Medical Academy Professional development of doctors chair assistants
Mastura Azmi


Primary atelectasis of the lung " penetrates into the respiratory distress syndrome in the form of a separate nosological unit threeraydi. In this article, specific pathomorphological symptoms of primary atelectasis of the lung are studied. As a Material, the lungs of infants who died from atelectasis in the neonatal period were microscopically studied. The results of the microscopic examination revealed that lung tissue at first glance has an immature developed appearance. When primary atelectasis developed 2-3 days before the death of infants, it is observed that inflammation has developed in the lung tissue, that is, macrophages, neutrophils, migratory alveolocytes are detected in the alveolar cavity.primary atelectasis occurs when the tissue of the alveolar cavity has a dense connective tissue and a pattern of cellular handles, blood vessels are wide and full, blood After 7-10 days, it is determined that the alterative-proliferative processes have turned into atelectatic pneumonia by outbreaks. As a result of it, pneumosclerosis, bronchoectasis and the transformation of the bronchi into a retentional cyst are observed. Often, in place of atelectasis, connective tissue grows and Sclerosis develops.



:infant, lung, distress syndrome, primary atelectasis

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