Ibragimov Alamjon Amrilloevich Samarkand Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, E –


Cognitiveness, competent and competence are concepts that are reflected in various interpretations of a generalization idea in scientific research.In the article, definitions are given to cognitive competent, the conceptual basis are drawn to the analysis,formation of the concept’s “competence” and “competent”,entry into practice,theoretical approaches to the terms “cognitive competence” and “cognitive competent” are classified, which are its components.In particular, the role of cognitive competent in professional self-development is established.Also, on the basis of the literature studied, the author's approach was carried out and the cognitive competent structure of the teacher was presented.A structure consisting of such organizations as motivation, information, reflexive and activity covers the content, scientific and practical components are covered in detail.



: : professional growth,cognitive competence, competent,structure, reflection, motivation,activity, information, process.

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