J.Aitmuratov Docent, Karakalpak state university, Nukus, Uzbekistan
X.Utegenov Phd, Karakalpak state university, Nukus, Uzbekistan
I.Elmuratov Phd, Karakalpak state university, Nukus, Uzbekistan
A.Yusupov assistant, Karakalpak state university, Nukus, Uzbekistan
J. Aitmuratova assistant, Karakalpak state university, Nukus, Uzbekistan


This article analyzes the Aral Sea problem from a historical point of view. This analysis used not only historical documents but also the greatest works of fiction, prose and poetry of the poets. This is the novelty of this scientific work. The reason is that no such scientific work has been done before, and this is one of the first in the history of Karakalpakstan.



: Aral sea, prose, poetry, poems, Karakalpakstan.

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