Muhammad Adeel Ahmad Faculty of Agriculture Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan-29050-Pakistan, adeelahmad7773@gmail.com
Qudrat ullah khan Faculty of Agriculture Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan-29050-Pakistan,


To assess the impact of rhizobacteria strains on soil health and chickpea growth. The use of PGPR for crop production is an alternative of chemical fertilizer. (PGPR) are important soil microbe’s which enhance plant growth through direct and indirect mechanisms. These microorganisms play significant role by effect biogeochemical cycles and improve legume productivity. PGPRs create compounds that stimulate leguminous crop growth and function at various phases of development. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of bio fertilizer on Chickpea growth and soil health. Five bacterial strains were utilized for this purpose. Which were isolated from rhizoshpere of legume crops).they were screened and identified morphologically. Pot dissertation was conducted at arid zone research center D.I.Khan. The results revealed that treated plots with rhizobium strain inoculation showed that the plant height was statistically greater then control (36.66cm) while shoot fresh weight and dry weight of was significantly greater than other treatments. Which showed greater weight (37.66g) (7.00 g). The study found that rhizobacterial strains treated plots significantly increased chickpea crop growth. This combination thus increases the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus in treated plots of rhizobacteria strains T4 treated chickpea pots.Thus the combination of PGPR increase soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus content from soil. It is concluded that use of PGPR Rhizobium ceceri and Pseudomonas putida, play vital role in absorption of soil nutrient and development of chickpea.



: Chickpea, Growth, Rhizobacteria,

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