Abdiganieva G.K.1, Dauletmuratova N.A.1, Ospanova D.K.1, Bakhiev K.А.1
1Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan


If necessary, an increase in the pressure in living quarters in the internal water supply system is achieved using a constantly operating pump that provides maximum flow-pressure parameters. It is obvious that the network operation of a separate pump provides a certain increase in pressure in the subsequent house network, however, all the unevenness of the pressure characteristic at the entrance to the house is transferred to the further system. As a result, pressure drops on cold water appear on collapsible devices, which are incompatible with the concept of high-quality water supply, and in terms of temperature conditions when mixed with hot water, they are unsafe. Therefore, this article is devoted to the study and solution of the problem of increasing the pressure in internal water supply networks associated with the design and operation of internal water supply systems: overgrowing of pipes during long-term operation; decrease in performance or failure of booster pumps (if installed); It is possible to correct the situation if there are local control tanks (reservoirs) in attics or roofs of buildings.



increase in pressure, organoleptic properties, uneven water consumption, variable drive, mathematical model, peripheral sites, individual buildings, mathematical models.

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