Aripova Zulfiyakhon Solijonovna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Andijan Machine Building Institute Department of Humanities,


In this article, the relationship between the individual and the state, man and society takes on a new meaning and form, develops on the basis of new features, new tendencies, and at the same time the sense of citizenship helps the individual to assimilate the spiritual ideals of society. It is worth noting that the sense of citizenship is an important and fundamental factor for the functioning of the spiritual ideal as a person in the moral environment of society, and the influence of the formation of the spiritual ideal is also indicated by the opinions of Russian scientists G.Andreev, V.A.Yadov and Uzbek scientist researcher M.Kakhxarov.



society, personality, socialization, functional, reform, activity, material and spiritual need, worldview, spiritual ideal, civic feeling, socialization, social, emotional, subject, individual, national and universal values, spirituality, full-fledged personality, national spirituality, language, feelings, national history, the need of the nation, social group.

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