Dr. Ihsan Ali Thabet Al-Eqabi University of Maysan/Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,


The research aimed to identify the impact of the individual organizing method by learning built-in learning to perform the hip grip of standing, locking and pulling the legs from sitting, the diving grip by linking the man (skive) to Romanian wrestling, and adopted the experimental research approach by designing the experimental group and equal officer equal number, on A sample of the 20 (20) students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Maysan University who continue to study with integrated learning for the academic year (2019-2020) amounting to (20) students who were deliberately chosen from their community at a rate of (31.25%). The educational method for each holding (3) educational units at a rate of two electronic lessons and an in-person scientific lesson per week for a period of three consecutive academic weeks. Hip Throw Grab From Standing, Locking Grab And Pulling The Legs From Sitting, Diving Grab By Tying The Leg (Skive) In Roman Wrestling For Third Stage Students In The College Of Education It is necessary to have a convergence in linking the information that students receive through e-learning and what they apply in the in-person lessons to enable them to organize, compare and monitor, and it is necessary to pay attention to developing the capabilities of wrestling teachers in how to employ techniques in providing information that helps draw Kinetic programs mediated by the individual organizing method with blended learning for each of the studied wrestling grips.


: individual organization style, built-in learning, freestyle wrestling catches

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