Tutik Sugesti, Rosmala Dewi, Arif Rahman, Nasrun


:This study aims to find a model of planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of academic supervision through a collaborative approach based on listening ability, response ability, self-efficacy and altruistic attitude (M2EA) for madrasah aliyah supervisors at the ministry of religion in Medan city. The subjects and objects of research were supervisors, principals and teachers at Madrasah Aliyah, Ministry of Religion, Medan City. Research is a form of development research (research and development), where the approach used is through mixed methods with sequential explanatory techniques. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistical techniques for quantitative data, while qualitative data analysis uses broad and in-depth meaning of field data. The research findings explain that the model of academic supervision through listening ability, response ability, self-efficacy and altruistic attitude (M2EA) must be carried out through several stages, namely: first, the planning stage, gathering supervisors, principals, and teachers in the form of scientific meetings, to providing information on collaborative based academic supervision using M2EA; second, the pre-supervision meeting stage, the supervisor listens to the problems raised by the teacher so that they can be fully understood, when the teacher presents the problem, and responds positively to it; third, the implementation stage of supervision (observation), the supervisor makes observations on the activities of the teacher's teaching and learning process in class, through the ability to listen and respond well, paying close attention to the problems presented by the teacher, then the self-efficacy and altruistic attitude of the supervisor is a form of sincerity to help in solving teacher problems; fourth, evaluation and follow-up, reflecting on the results during the observation, so that the overall feedback and evaluation process can be carried out together with improvement, guidance and coaching. Furthermore, presentations were made on alternative problem solving in line with alternative teacher problems, so that collaboration occurred between the teacher and the supervisor in solving the problem; fifth, evaluation and reporting of supervision results, conducting a thorough evaluation of collaborative-based academic supervision activities, resulting in conclusions in carrying out follow-up actions to overcome weaknesses and deficiencies during academic supervision.


:academic supervision, supervisor, collaborative, listening ability, response ability, self-efficacy attitude and altruistic attitude

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