Dr. Mamta Malhotra


:Many establishments are now forced to endure the costs of serving as a physical showroom while not benefiting from the final sale due to the increasing commoditization of products and price transparency made possible by online shopping channels. The job of the retail salesperson has changed as customers continue to use retail stores to acquire information and turn to rival channels for purchases. Retailers are left without a clear knowledge of how to manage this transformation in the retailing landscape. In this study, we first define "showrooming" and then look into the experience effects of perceived showrooming at the individual (salesperson) level. We discover negative connections between perceived showrooming and salesperson self-efficacy and performance, which are constructively tempered by cross-selling and coping techniques. . Our findings imply that particular salesperson actions and methods can be used to counteract the detrimental impacts of showrooming. Additionally, store-level exploratory data confirm a negative correlation between performance and perceived showrooming activities. Finally, we analyse the significance of our findings for theory and practise and provide concrete managerial measures to address showrooming.


:Showrooming; Self-Efficacy; Job security; Salesperson performance; Self-regulation theory; Multi-channel shopping

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