Dr. Mamta Malhotra


:In many industrialised nations, entrepreneurship has been crucial to social stability and economic growth. India has the youngest population proportion in the world and faces enormous issues due to the high rates of youth unemployment. The unemployment situation is mostly caused by youths' lack of skills and entrepreneurial savvy. This study's goals were (1) examining the cognitive, affective, and behavioural aspects of students' attitudes regarding entrepreneurship education in Indian universities and colleges, and (2) calculating the effect of those attitudes on entrepreneurial intention. (3) Determine how control variables, such as gender and entrepreneurial family background, affect how people feel about entrepreneurship education and how they intend to start their own business. Students from several colleges and universities in central India studying business management made up the responses. While choosing the colleges and institutions, a purposeful sample strategy was used, however when choosing the respondents, ordinary random sampling was used. The results were obtained by utilising "R Programming Language" to analyse the data from 589 completed questionnaires. The findings demonstrated a highly favourable relationship between entrepreneurial intention and attitude towards entrepreneurship education.


:Entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurial intention, India, Attitude, Business management student

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