Wed Kadhim Oleiwi wsci.wed.kadhum@uobabylon.edu.iq
Alharith A.Abdullah alharith@itnet.uobabylon.edu.iq


Blockchain is an important technology that is considered to be a hot research subject for its perfect performance in terms of distributed systems and security. Networks are the backbone of life today, and it is found in different aspects such as military, industry, health, scientific works, and monitoring. However, networks tend to suffer from a number of issues (such as threats and attacks) which cause them to fail and prevents them from performing properly. This work presents an introduction to the blockchain technology, followed by the explanation of its distinct features which help in dealing with the aforementioned network issues, enhancing the network performance, and eventually increasing its overall security.


Blockchain, Network, Wireless network, IOT network, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Ad-hoc network.

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