B. Jurayev PhD, Associate professor of the Department of psychology, Karshi State University


The study of the factors influencing to the formation of legal literacy is a new direction of researches. The role of the nervous system in the formation of legal literacy in early adolescents is discussed in this article. For this, the researcher identified the role of nervous system features in the acquisition of legal concepts as a detached component of legal literacy. The role of nervous system types in the acquisition of concepts has been considered as a separate research problem. In the exploration, a number of criteria as characteristics of the nervous system has identified to obtain empirical indicators. In the article, the author first researched the studies taking into account the strength and stability of the nervous system, endurance, balance, lability. Also, the strength of the nervous system of students, the level of intelligence, temperament characteristics were singled out as the main criteria. Empirical indicators in the exploration were initially applied to psychodiagnostic methods aimed at determining the characteristics of the nervous system, temperament characteristics and level of intelligence. Based on empirical results, the psychological characteristics of students, which differ according to the characteristics of the nervous system, are described.


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