Shodieva Khurshida PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 of the TMA.
Pakhomova Janna DSc, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 of the TMA.
Kamolakhon Davranbekovna Assistant, Department of Physiatrics, Tashkent Institute for Post-Graduate Medical Education.
Nazarova Dilrabo Erkinovna Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 of the TMA.


This research evaluates the clinical efficacy and tolerability of carbetocin for the prevention of PPH in women with multifetal gestation. The study was carried out from 2019 to 2020. 89 patients with multiple pregnancies who were delivered by cesarean section were examined. All patients were divided into two groups – 1st group received the drug carbetocin, the other group received the drug oxytocin. The volume of blood loss in group 1 was 478.3±14.3 ml, in group 2 - 583.3±24.3 ml. PPH in a volume of 500 ml or more was observed in 21% of women of the 1st group and in 48% of women of the 2nd group. More than 800 ml of blood loss occurred in group 2 (8.7%). The postpartum period was without complications in 95.3% of the women in group 1 and 84.7% in group 2. Such complications as uterine subinvolution, hematometra, and metoendometritis occurred in group 2 women. In conclusion, carbetocin, a long-acting synthetic analog of oxytocin, is the best alternative to traditional oxytocin in preventing PPH in women with multiple pregnancies.


multiple pregnancy, prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, uterotonics, carbetocin, oxytocin.

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