Baymakov S.R. PhD, DSc, professor assistant, head of the department Surgery and military field surgery of Tashkent State Dental Institution, Tashkent, Uzbekistan e-mail:
Yunusov S. Sh. MD, assistant of the department Surgery and military field surgery of Tashkent State Dental Institution, Tashkent, Uzbekistan e-mail:
Ashirmetov A.Kh DSc, Senior Researcher, chief Specialist of the Department of Science Development of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan e-mail:
Ramziddin S.Risboev 4th course student of Tashkent State Dental Institution, Tashkent, Uzbekistan e-mail:
Fayzullakhonov Sh.Kh clinical resident of the department Surgery and military field surgery of Tashkent State Dental Institution, Tashkent, Uzbekistan e-mail:


The presented case is interesting because in the literature there are very few data on the observation of this disease. For the first time this pathology was described in 1667 by the Dutch physician Van Horn and confirmed by autopsy data. Inversion of the spleen in adults with a wandering spleen is a rare pathology in abdominal surgery and requires urgent surgical intervention, and the use of instrumental methods of research allows you to effectively address issues of preoperative diagnosis and management of the patient after splenectomy.


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