Anna Barikova PhD in Law, Legal Adviser at the Supreme Court, Educator at National Academy of Internal Affairs
Yan Bernaziuk Doctor of Law, Professor at V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University


It has been proposed to train public servants and other authorities related to law enforcement, starting with children of senior school age, regarding critical thinking, algorithms of fair, reasoned, lawful and effective behaviour, established universal law enforcement practices. In the educational component of law enforcement in a pandemic and post-pandemic world, artificial intelligence technology will achieve the following goals: optimization of analytics (rapid and comprehensive study of situation and problems with unclear factors and relationships that determine possible development scenarios); prognostic quality (full and impartial consideration of changes in the external environment, identification of trends and real intentions of the authorities and private entities in law enforcement; diversified identification of possible options for the situation taking into account consequences of decisions, comparison of cases); ensuring sustainable development (strategy development for using objective trends in the interests of public authorities, society and the individual for cooperation to achieve sustainable development).


cognitive thinking; artificial intelligence; Bayesian model; law enforcement; COVID-19.

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