Hamid Ali Hadwan Ministry of Agriculture, Al - Andulus square,Baghdad, Iraq.
Ahmed Kareem Abdulrazzaq Ministry of Agriculture, Al - Andulus square,Baghdad, Iraq,
Fakhir Raheem Hameed Horticulture Department, Agriculture College, Al-Qasim Green University, Babil, Iraq
Ali Hussain khallil Veterinary Medicine College, Baghdad university, Iraq.
Rukaibaa Ali Chechan Dept. of Food Science ,College of Agricultural Engineering Science ,University of Baghdad,


Hyperlipidemia is currently one of the leading human health problems associated with blood lipid profile. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of two edible species of mushrooms: Tremellafuciformis and Ganoderma an alternative source of plant proteins in the micediet on lipid profile, blood biochemical traits (Glucose and Protein), and blood picture in BALB/c inbred mice. Blood was collected from heart-by-heart puncture to assay and calculate total cholesterol and lipoproteins (LDL, VLDL, HDL), and determine biochemical traits (Glucose and Protein), and the blood pictures. The results showed that the replaced mushroomswere found to decrease significantly (P≤0.05) levels of cholesterol and glucose in plasma. Likewise,low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) were significantly decreased with increasing ratios of mushrooms in the meal. The healthy cholesterol –HDL and Protein were increased significantly in T2 and T1compared tothe control treatment.Resultsalso indicated that mice that fed edible mushrooms had significantly (P≤0.05) RBC, Hbhigher than the controltreatment. Findings of this work could approve that consumption of these two edible mushrooms may reduce the risk of hyperlipidemia and death rates associated with this health problem.


Mushroom, cholesterol, hyperlipidemia,lipid profile, Balb-c mice

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