A.A.Mukhamedov Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology 100095, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
S.N.Ernazarov Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, 100095, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan


It is shown that by the method of remote registration of fluorescent radiation excited by laser radiation, it is possible to determine not only the species of plants, but also to divide classes of plants belonging to subspecies within the class. To achieve accuracy, discriminant analysis was applied and the quality of the classifier was evaluated To date, a wide range of methods of laser remote sensing based on fluorescent responses of vegetation have been developed and found application. The advantage of these methods lies in the spatial selectivity of the sensing objects and the absence of optical interference when registering signals at night. The separability between classes will be the greater, the more features will be included in the consideration. The amplitude values of intensity in a discrete set of spectral channels in the wavelength range of 670 – 740 nm were selected as signs. Thus, reliable results are obtained for decoding remote sensing data of vegetation cover using measurements made in the spectrum zones of 670-740 nm, providing the highest spectral resolution. Digital analysis of multichannel data increases the reliability of differentiation of various typological categories of vegetation cover.



remote sensing, laser, fluorescence, spectrum, plant, pattern recognition

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