Nasriddin Nazarov Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction


The article highlights the role of historical thought in the life of the individual, community, ethnos, nation and super ethnos as well, and also the fact that the perception of the individual is closely related to historical thought. In addition, it focuses on the role of historical thought in the gradual development of ideological factors in society. The interpretation of ideological concepts in historical sources, the creative aspects of the socio-historical development of the Turkic peoples have been covered, this factor has been reflected in The National ideological concepts. Furthermore, The National Idea which has been introduced into the society is directly derived from the historical thinking of the nation, which means that values are directly connected to this factor.



: historical thinking (thought), idea, Turkic peoples, creative idea, national interest, development, Motherland, people, noble goal.

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