Hamid Jafarabad1, Majid fouladian2* and Seyed Mohammad Jalal Rastegar Fatemi3


This Paper presents the potential role of machine learning (ML) in the development and implementation of 6G wireless communications. ML techniques can be used for various applications such as intelligent resource management, ultra-reliable and low-latency communications, advanced sensing and perception, quantum machine learning, security, self-organizing networks, and edge computing. In addition to these applications, ML can also address challenges in different layers of the 6G wireless network, including the physical, medium-access, and application layers. Furthermore, zero-touch optimization using ML can automate network optimization processes without human intervention, resulting in improved network performance and efficiency while reducing operational costs. Tasks that can be automated through zero-touch optimization using ML include resource allocation, network slicing, and fault management. Overall, the integration of ML into 6G wireless communications has the potential to significantly enhance network performance, intelligence, and reliability, paving the way for a new era of wireless connectivity.



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