

The globalization process observed all over the world assumes the clustering of the educational sphere, as well as other areas. The globalization process has also caused a sharp increase in competition in the educational services market. In conditions of such competition, the cluster is a means of using the power of the globalization process against itself. The combination of Educational, Scientific and production subjects around a common goal increases their potential. And the pedagogical educational cluster provides this cooperation. The article is based on the scientific point of view of ensuring the competitiveness of subjects in the educational services market through a cluster tool. The concept of a cluster of pedagogical education is described and its necessity, mechanisms of implementation, principles and directions are outlined. In terms of the purpose, tasks, principles and directions of the pedagogical educational cluster, the author outlined his reasoning. The organizational aspects, practical significance and theoretical foundations of the practical implementation of the pedagogical educational cluster are highlighted. The author tried to base his views on the opinions of Western scholars. The scientific research of Western scientists on the educational cluster was analyzed and the author's attitude was expressed to them. Scientific conclusions on the social, economic, legal, marketing and pedagogical consequences of the clustering of education are described.


: the process of globalization, the cluster of pedagogical education, the mimetic method, cluster strategies, the purpose, tasks, principles and directions of the cluster of pedagogical education.

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