The Implementation of CONVIA Model to Increase the Understanding of Four Pillar Nation-State

Sutoyo *


This study aims to determine the Contextual Value Inclusion Approach (CONVIA) implementation in the Pancasila Education learning to improve understanding and actualization of the values of the four pillars of the nation and state. This research is classroom action research. Data were obtained from 60 students who took Pancasila education courses at the Teaching and Education Faculty of Universitas Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. Data is collected by giving a questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed with descriptive techniques and comparative critical. The study results show that the implementation of Pancasila education using the CONVIA model can improve real understanding and actualization of the values of the four pillars in the life of the nation and state.



Keywords: Contextual Value Inculcation Approach, education learning, four pillar nation-state, Pancasila actualization.



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